If you’ve ever played live music for an audience – big or small – it’s likely that you’ve experienced the struggle of trying to hear your instrument or voice. Playing music at high volumes can distort sounds and make it difficult to play in tune or in-sync with the rest of the band; this is why any musician knows that having a set of reliable earplugs in handy during a show is more than just a necessity.
Although earplugs generally have the same purpose, the best earplugs for musicians should do more than just cancel out noise. Find out which earplugs you should take to your next gig by checking out this comprehensive round-up.
Top 10 Earplugs for Musicians Ultimate Table
What Musicians Should Look for When Buying Earplugs
Not all earplugs will serve you well when you play a show. That’s why special earplug designs that were made specifically for musicians have found a place in the market.
Make sure to choose the best earplugs for musicians by remembering these factors when you make your purchase.
- High-Fidelity. Earplugs that are meant for sleeping will dampen sounds out so completely that anything that filters through will likely sound like very faint, muffled noises; this is because earplugs for the purpose of improving sleep are made to ensure the least amount of disturbance as possible.
If you’re a musician, you should know that earplugs that completely cancel out sounds will work against you. At some level, you still need to hear what you and your band mates are playing so you can maintain your place in the song.
That said, earplugs that simply reduce the volume of the sounds without blocking them out completely will prove to be a worthy companion during a concert. High fidelity earplugs retain the quality of sound and simply protect the user’s ear from damage due to loud volumes.
- Proper Fit. Whether you’re playing guitar, drums, piano, or whatever instrument you might think of, it is possible for earplugs to pop out of your ears when you get in the heat of the moment.
Head movements and the motion of your arms and body as you play your instrument can dislodge poor fitting earplugs. Of course, the last thing you’d want to do during a show would be to keep replacing stubborn plugs.
Ear plugs can fit into your ear canal in a variety of ways. Some plugs are made of a soft foam-like material that inflates back to its original shape after being squeezed. These can fit in your ear quite snugly. However, foam plugs are known to interfere with sound quality.
Silicone plugs with flanges can fit securely into your ear and are often preferred among musicians. The only downside is that they can dig into your skin and cause some discomfort when used for extended periods of time.
- Reusable. Reusable plugs are always a worthy investment. These options are made from resilient materials that can withstand wear and tear. For some users, however, the concern of hygiene becomes a problem with reusable options. What’s more, unless you purchased multiple pairs of a reusable plug, losing your set could mean that you won’t have any spares in handy.
Disposable plugs are the earplug of choice for people with sanitary concerns. These plugs come in sets of multiple pairs, which makes it easy to pluck a couple whenever you need them. The only downside is that when it comes to sound quality, they may not perform as well as their reusable counterparts.
Top 3 Best Earplugs for Musicians Reviews
1. Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs

Made from hypoallergenic soft silicone, Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs are safe and comfortable for use even on the most sensitive skin types. These plugs are designed for extended use and fit snugly into the ear without causing discomfort or pain.
The ready-to-fit earplug design features three flanges that prevent the plugs from popping out of the ears even during excessive movement or activity; this allows musicians to really get into their performance without worrying about losing an earplug along the way.
Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs are often considered the best earplugs for musicians because they’re particularly efficient at retaining and preserving the quality of sound for easy listening, playing, and singing.

The Ear Defense Musician Earplugs with Acoustic Filters come in a close second with their super soft silicone make and ideal fit. These earplugs feature a similar triple flanged design which helps keep the plugs in proper place no matter how much movement takes place while they’re in use.
What sets the Ear Defense Musician Earplugs with Acoustic Filters apart from other options is the inclusion of neck cords which can keep your plugs easy to access whether on stage or in the studio and prevents them from getting lost. The plugs also come with stalk extenders that make them much easier to pull out of the ears after use.
While the added features and accessories can make this set the ideal earplugs for some, there are others who feel that the inclusion of multiple small pieces makes them a bit of a hassle. If you want the added security of neck cords and convenience of extenders, however, this product is worth a shot.
3. LiveMus!c HearSafe Ear Plugs Standard

Understanding the importance of protecting your hearing during concerts and events, the LiveMus!c HearSafe Ear Plugs with Silicone Triple Flange aims to keep your ears safe from hearing damage by bringing sounds to a reasonable level. These plugs come with a similar triple flange design that’s developed to maintain proper positioning in your ears at all times.
The set comes with two different pairs of earplugs that feature different attenuation filters for a comfortable volume level and sound that’s suited to your preference. The only downside with these plugs is that they are rather short, which means that they could fit deeply into the canal, making them difficult to pull out of the ears.