Whether you suffer from Type 1 Herpes (oral herpes) or Type 2 Herpes (genital herpes), you know the extreme discomfort that goes hand in hand with breakouts. The blisters or sores are itchy, tingly and painful and can take up to 2-4 weeks to heal. So, finding the Best Herpes Medication is essential.
But what is best? Oral medication? Topical medication? Both used together? Will the products that work for Type 1 Herpes work for Type 2 Herpes and vice versa? Are the medications that prevent outbreaks also going to help once an outbreak occurs? There is a mountain of research that attempts to answers these questions and conflicting opinions abound about what’s right.
In our guide, we want to focus on simply identifying the best oral and topical medications as well as the best preventive and post-breakout products. You and your physician can determine how best to make them a part of your ongoing treatment plan.
Top 6 Herpes Medications Table
Picture | Name | Type | Price | Rating (1-5) |
![]() | 1. Quantum Super Lysine | Tablets | $$ | 4.7 |
![]() | 2. Abreva Cold Sore/Fever Blister Treatment | Cream | $$ | 4.6 |
![]() | 3. LYSINE LIP OINTMENT | Cream | $ | 4.6 |
![]() | 4. HERP-B-GONE - Herpes, Cold Sores and Shingles | Cream | $$ | 4.5 |
![]() | 5. Super Lysine Plus Cold Sore Ointment-7g tube | Cream | $ | 4.5 |
![]() | 6. Puriya Cream For Eczema | Cream | $$$ | 4.4 |
Buying Information for Herpes Medication
When dealing with Herpes outbreaks, there are two important aspects of treatment:
- Prevent outbreaks with oral medications that are taken continually.
- Treat outbreaks with topical medications that are used to diminish pain and facilitate healing.
The vast majority of research concludes that Lysine is a key tool in preventing outbreaks. An amino acid or protein building block, Lysine is used in medications that are taken daily. The typical dose is about 1g daily but dosing can be increased to 3g daily during an outbreak or periods of high stress that may trigger an outbreak. Lysine may also be an ingredient in some topical creams and ointments that treat outbreaks after they occur.
The best topical medications for Herpes are usually those that contain a combination of essential oils like lemongrass, eucalyptus, camphor, tea tree and peppermint. Not only are these ingredients soothing to itchy, painful areas but they are also known to boost immunity.
Our Best Herpes Medication Top 6 Guide includes a variety of products that can be used alone or together. Remember, please, when using any topical product that is going to be placed on an outbreak, that you should follow this process to avoid spreading the virus to other areas:
- Wash the affected area gently with a mild soap
- Pat the skin dry with a paper towel and discard it immediately (never dry the breakout area with a reusable towel that might be used by others)
- Apply medication to the affected area, then wash your hands thoroughly
- Dry your hands with another paper towel and discard it immediately
Top 3 Best Herpes Medication Reviews
1. Quantum Super Lysine

While there are many oral Lysine products on the market, this one is a supreme blend of effectiveness and value for the money and is the single highest rated Lysine product among consumers. (Notice that the maker, Quantum Health, is also the maker of the #5 item on our list, a topical ointment).
We believe the effectiveness of these tablets, taken daily, has a lot to do with ingredients. In addition to the primary component, Lysine, the product contains Vitamin C, Calcium, Echinacea and odorless garlic to name a few, all great for boosting immunity which, in turn, helps prevent breakouts.
Most consumers have reported fewer sores or blisters when they increased the dosage of Super Lysine at times of high stress (a well-known trigger for breakouts) or when they feel a breakout is on its way, but be sure to follow all dosing directions on the bottle unless you’ve consulted your physician.
2. Abreva Cold Sore/Fever Blister Treatment

This is a well-known product among Herpes sufferers and, while some have experienced less success with it than others, the vast majority of users swears by this product and incorporate it into their treatment regimen routinely.
It contains a patented ingredient call Docosanol that actually covers and shields healthy cells from the Herpes virus meaning breakouts are less likely to spread and are shorter in duration. In fact, this is the only medicine in our top 6 list that is approved by the FDA to shorten duration of symptoms and healing time after breakouts.
While a few users complained that the ointment left a film on their skin, Abreva calms and soothes affected areas quickly and begins to promote drying of sores right away. It’s best to begin using it the moment you believe a breakout is about to occur and continue using it until all sores are completely gone (you can apply it up to 5 times a day).

With Herpes Type 1, almost all sufferers get blisters or breakouts near or on their mouths. This can be particularly painful and has the added element of embarrassment since there is no way to hide sores on our lips.
This rich, Lysine-based ointment contains vitamins A, D and E as well as cocoa butter and is nicknamed the “miracle ointment” because users claim it can prevent a sore from forming if you begin using it the moment you feel that tell-tale tingle which accompanies an outbreak.
Be sure and apply it to the entire lip and mouth area rather than just a single sore or the spot where tingling occurs so that it can help prevent or diminish the number of additional sores that may pop up nearby.