Hiking, trekking, and other outdoor sports and activities are very common hobbies and pastimes for many individuals. Despite the enjoyment and excitement that these activities provide, however, there are certain dangers that exist in the wilderness, and some of these are less apparent than others.
Parading as a harmless plant, poison ivy grows as a vine or shrub in wooded areas, fields, and near rivers. It is hard to spot, especially if you’re a newbie to outdoor activities. If you’ve been in contact with poison ivy and you’ve developed a nasty rash, use this guide to help you find the best treatment for poison ivy and get rid of that irritation fast.
Top 10 Treatments for Poison Ivy Chart
Picture | Name | Form | Price | Rating (1-5) |
![]() | 1. Tecnu Original Poison Oak & Ivy Outdoor Skin Cleanser | Cleanser | $$$$ | 4.8 |
![]() | 2. Ivy Dry Super 6z Size 6z Ivy Dry Super Itch Relieving Spray | Spray | $$ | 4.7 |
![]() | 3. Mean Green Power Hand Scrub | Scrub | $$ | 4.6 |
![]() | 4. TECNU Extreme Medicated Poison Ivy Scrub | Scrub | $$$ | 4.6 |
![]() | 5. Poison Ivy Soap - Removes the Urushiol | Soap | $ | 4.6 |
![]() | 6. Zanfel Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac Wash | Cleanser | $$$$ | 4.5 |
![]() | 7. Ivy-dry Soap. Instantly Removes Poison-ivy, Oak and Sumac | Soap | $$ | 4.4 |
![]() | 8. No Rein's Jewelweed Salve | Salve | $$ | 4.1 |
![]() | 9. Be gone Poison Ivy | Pills | $$ | 4.1 |
![]() | 10. Hyland's Natural Poison Ivy & Poison Oak Relief Tablets | Tablets | $ | 4.0 |
What to Consider When Buying Treatment for Poison Ivy
In your frantic search for the best treatment for poison ivy, you might just pick up any remedy you find on the shelf and hope that it works well for you. Unfortunately, choosing a product at random might not give you the instant relief you want. Every formulation works differently, and it is important to find the right one for your body to get the best results.
Consider these factors when buying treatment for poison ivy, so you don’t end up taking double trips to the store.
- Soaps, Salves, Scrubs, Sprays, and Supplements. Poison ivy treatments come in many forms. Among the most common are soaps, salves, scrubs, and sprays. These four delivery methods are effective in their own ways, but your satisfaction with each type depends on what you are looking for in treatment.
- Soaps. Soaps, cleansers, and washes are used like any other bath soap you might have in your shower. These are applied directly to the affected areas to help remove the ‘urushiol,’ which is the substance in poison ivy that causes rashes.
The downside to using soaps is that they don’t last on the skin for very long. The soap’s effects may be completely gone just a few short minutes after use. Soap, used in tandem with another poison ivy treatment, may work better for your relief.
- Salves. Ointments, creams, and lotions are best for on-the-go use. These products are easy to pack which is ideal if you want to make sure you have a reliable remedy when you go out for a nature trip.
Salves last longer on your skin and work best if applied after washing with soap since soap does not necessarily clear away the rash-causing substance. Regardless, salves offer some comfort and relief when applied directly without prior washing.
- Scrubs. The main difference between scrubs and soaps is that these products have small granular beads that help remove the rash-causing irritant. Plus, some scrubs don’t create lather and are simply applied more like a dry substance over the skin to clear off the urushiol.
- Sprays. Another convenient on-the-go remedy is a spray. Misting these substances directly over the affected area will help provide immediate relief from itching and irritation. Much like salves however, they don’t wash away the urushiol, which means you may have to use soap before the spray.
- Supplements. Probably the slowest to act, these products are taken orally to reduce the body’s reaction to poison ivy. Often, these are best used with topical remedies as they may take some time to take effect.
- Natural vs. Medicated. Medicated remedies are often much more reliable when it comes to positive effects. However, you should keep in mind that chemical-based formulations are also much more likely to cause unwanted side effects and adverse reactions.
You can use natural remedies as an alternative, especially if your skin is particularly sensitive to chemical-based solutions. The only downside is that natural remedies provide less potent relief and results, so you may continue to experience minor irritation after use.
Top 3 Best Treatment for Poison Ivy Reviews
1. Tencu Original Poison Oak and Ivy Skin Cleanser

Based on consumer reviews, Tencu Original Poison Oak and Ivy Outdoor Skin Cleanser is considered the best treatment for poison ivy compared to other products on the market. This chemical-based product is used by applying it directly to dry skin and then rubbing it into the affected areas for several minutes followed by a cold water rinse.
The product is highly effective against irritation and itching, providing almost instant relief against poison ivy contact; however, that’s not all it is good for. The solution can also be used to remove skunk odor, tree sap, and rash-causing contaminants that might get left behind on tools, gear, and clothing.
With such versatile usage and reliable effects, Tencu Original Poison Oak and Ivy Outdoor Skin Cleanser is a product no hiker, biker, or gardener should not be without.
2. Ivy-Dry Super Spray Temporary Relief

Poison ivy rashes can appear anywhere between 4 hours after or even weeks after contact. The blisters that come hand in hand with the irritation usually start to show between 1 and 14 days. Because it can take some time for the symptoms to start developing, some people only act when the blisters become apparent.
For cases when poisoning has become full blown, using Ivy-Dry Super Spray Temporary Relief of Pain and Itching is the best course of action. Working to dry out the blisters caused by poison ivy, this product can provide instant temporary relief against the rash and irritation.
Keep in mind though that you may have to use other salves or soaps along with the spray for maximum effect. While it is acceptable to use this product alone, results may take up to 36 hours to show.
3. Mean Green Liquid Power Hand Scrub

While the product itself doesn’t list poison ivy as one of the problems that it can address, many users swear by Mean Green Liquid Power Hand Scrub when it comes to poison ivy rashes. This product is applied to wet skin and rubbed over affected areas for relief of pain and irritation caused by poison ivy rashes.
Aside from poison ivy, Mean Green Liquid Power Hand Scrub can also be used to remove a plethora of different contaminants and irritants from the skin including oil, grease, glue, paint, and other hard-to-remove substances.